Published on: 13-May 02:37am
It’s not some rehashed idea, when we are done with the initial process I’ll give you all one extra additional method I’m adding to this that draws in more traffic, and the software I use for that.
With that said, I am using this for my niche. All I’m doing at present is building a following of people that resonate with what I stand for, my ideals, my hopes and dreams. I’m selling them nothing, except the chance of a better lifestyle without reliance on their current medication. At the very least a reduction of that medication.
In a nutshell I’m selling them hope, which is based on proven medical research and methodology currently employed by a select few very distinguished and enlightened medical practitioners.
This information most medical practitioners have not even had the time to research and access yet.
Now I plan to produce a online course later this year ( I’ve already the outline and design set up ), which I’m going to sell at a one off cost of $299US. Once completed clients will have the opportunity to go onto a monthly membership with updated information and more comprehensive information ( which I’ve already done ), for the price of $29US per month. That’s less than a dollar a day.
That will be refined over next year. The following year I also plan on offering a more personal course with greater interaction with myself for 100 people.
This course will be run in groups of 25 people each. I’ll run 2 courses at the beginning of the year ( that’s 50 people), and 2 courses starting the second half of the year. Another 50 people.
Each course will run for 10 weeks and culminate in a 5 day workshop held at my favourite resort in Moorea. That’s only 23 minutes by high speed water taxi from Papeete, capital of Tahiti.
So I’ll have 2 back to back workshops in the perfect time during the first half of the year and the same in the second half of the year.
Travelling and accommodation at the clients expense.
I’ve priced the initial courses at $10000US per person. At $1000 per week to be exact as they run for 10 weeks each.
I’ll be increasing that amount the second year these courses run.
So why am I telling you all this, well I want you all to know what’s possible when you build trust and a following.
You see I mentioned this to a few of my business friends, like I’m mentioning it to you, I was actually after feedback on my idea and concepts.
These people know and hopefully trust me.
Before I knew it I had 8 bookings with them demanding I take a deposit to lock in the price. Which to appear as a professional service I did.
Here’s the kicker. One of them went away and has organised between his circle of friends 22 people to pre book an entire course and workshop. They will all pay a bit more to make up my loss due to it being 22 not 25 people in that group.
That’s the phone call I had this morning. The deposits will be in my account on Monday.
I have a few more takers that are currently unable to commit because the timeframe is so far ahead.
Here’s the thing. To help explain everything I made a single why video where I just presented my hopes and beliefs and that just resonated with that group. I’m sure there are a few who are just going along for the group.
I have NO operating course as yet, hell I don’t even have a name for my course.
People don’t invest in courses, they are not interested in features and benefits or how long you laboured on your videos, or how big the course is:
People Invest In Themselves. They Invest In A Dream Of How They Will Be Better, They Invest In Hope.
Offer that to people and you can move mountains, people will follow you anywhere.
Now the wind is slowly building. The sun is coming out and I’ve pumped mine and my wife’s kite foils, a new day awaits filled with hours of fun.
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