Published on: 13-May 04:20am
I am constantly amazed at what a well thought out YouTube strategy can produce when you are after building your brand to gather signups.
In my chosen medical lifestyle niche, I’ve really only gone after some of the causes of my primary niche, obviously because they are related.
Using my method of stacking playlists to power each other, I’ve been able to get huge traction, but even without this method, a well thought out strategy will reap massive rewards, constantly building your signup list as in reality, these videos don’t go away.
Don’t just give up if you don’t get traction at the beginning. Work at producing decent videos with content that people are searching for. The content for those videos is all around you.
It’s easy enough to include a section in the video about yourself and what you stand for, thereby boosting your brand.
This stuff works. I see product after product promising the sun, moon and stars, as well as a large sum of money, just by pressing a button.... we all know how that ends.
BUT we have a reliable tested platform right under our noses, called YouTube. It just works.
Consistent action using easy tools is all that’s required.
Why do we always make it so hard.
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