Anatomy Of A YouTube Video That Will Rank OVER ANY OTHER.

Published on: 13-May 03:11am

My tests are FINALLY FINISHED. I was RIGHT. 


I’m finished with listening to conventional wisdom from outdated ideas using methodology that only focuses on small sections of larger niches, because, apparently that’s how it’s done. No more will I be held back by small thinking. 


Since I’ve had to redesign how I work because of my body, I decided to redesign how I approach making videos. 


I will reveal just a very small overview here, enough for you all to get an inclination of what goes into my actual videos. 


This does not include content that goes into my news videos or questions and answers videos. 


I start off finding out what is searched for in YouTube. This is absolutely fundamental as why waste time producing videos NO ONE is even searching for. 


Once I have a title I then search the relevance code and data for that keyword that I’m using. This information I get from google. I can go to virtually unlimited depth here. 


This is VITALLY IMPORTANT as this relevance code and data is what these search engines rank, irrespective of it being a video or web content. 


On this I produce my content. It’s actually very simple. Once produced I examine that content for  relevancy to the keyword. Again vitally important. 


At the same time I’m also checking any associated trends however deep, associated with this keyword based on what’s happening in Google, YouTube and Google images. 


The above is for linking strategies I’m using between videos used in this particular level. 


I now have enough information to make content for a video that google, YouTube and google images will rank. 


Doing it this way I don’t have to rely on old ideas like building up channel authority etc. These videos are so hugely powerful that they don’t need that. A single video can take the place of 10. 


Because of the LSI Linking I’m using, these videos cross over to their associated videos I’ve added to other channels to support this entire level. 


So let’s say I’m going after weight loss. Yes the ENTIRE niche. This would be my structure, very simply. 


After detailed analysis of the ENTIRE weight loss niche I would map out a hierarchy of videos. These placed into levels in their respective niches and sub niches and sub categories etc. 


This mapping would be augmented by using trends that added YouTube, Google and Google images into the mix. 


Once done I would group levels together. I would cross reference those with what’s being searched on YouTube and discard all others. 


Now I’ve a working architecture that I can follow. I’d allocate channels and naming protocols. Again checking those names with trends, what’s searched for etc. 


Once I’ve this completed I now can allocate build timelines for this, this is added to my timelines for supporting videos ie. news videos and questions and answers videos, these referencing that particular video. 


These are to support every level of the video hierarchy. 


Every single video that is produced is there for one purpose only, to funnel prospects to my various sales pages for my course. 


Because of the diversity they go to different landing pages and in the next stage, different languages. 


I have completed this, i have completed a few levels of videos in various sub niche categories that are set to public, and have completed hundreds of others in main categories that are switched to private. 


The reason for the above is I’ve also incorporated a cascading activation system that boosts, from the lowest sub categories of sub niches, upwards to, eventually, the main video in the main niche.  


The results are amazing of those that are active and have been built using this methodology. 


The timeframe for completion at my current design is approximately 5 years, however that’s a moving target as more is added all the time. 


I don’t care about the timeframe expanding or contracting as I’m collecting prospects from day one. Essentially I’m able to make money from day one, that will just expand exponentially as more videos are added. 


This gives me something to do as it beats sitting in the coffee shops in my free time. 


If only I’d done this 5 years ago.

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