Corona Virus Rental Update

Published on: 12-May 11:22pm

I put two scenarios through Bayesian probability calculations. 


I’ve used information supplied by government departments, private think tanks, and insurance companies.


The end result is that the best model with the fastest and highest ROI is a rank and rent model like I explained BUT with the provision that you put your sites up for sale ( normally to the current renter ) in November this year. 


So I would be producing everything with the end result of selling your assets. 


That’s means totally separate accounts at every level. A change in how you attach linked sites and videos. 


I’d be producing 100 sites a month at $1,000US. So by August, you will have an income of $500,000US per month.


This will give you the opportunity to make about 2 million between now and November off rentals.


Resale price will depend on future hysteria, but I would wait no longer than November. The cost per site would be reasonably large. 


Your sign up document MUST clearly state the future purchase option for the current renter. This provides a huge advantage to you and your client will stick with you just for that. ( I know from experience).


That’s it, guys. I would now work every moment I could to template these sites, then to get a production line going to stabilize at 100 decent sites a month plus supporting assets.

Damn how I curse being sick.



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