How I Make Disgusting Amounts Of Money Off Simple Google Sites

Published on: 02-Sep 10:16am

Ha, I thought that would catch your attention.

You all want to know why only less than 2 percent of people are really rich, look at these groups. Look at the numbers of people listed and then look at those who contribute.


But, I digress, back to the heading.

Imagine you are lying in a recliner at a tropical resort, beautiful beach, warm sun….well designed silicone walking past, you get the picture.

Now you want a drink, but it’s the beach, very few or no wait staff from your resort a few hundred meters away. You really don’t want to get up…. What to do.

Now imagine, you look down, there is a QR code on a laser cut small piece of aluminium screwed to the recliner. Also there is a location ID number also laser cut into another small piece of aluminium screwed to that recliner. Under that number there is a website URL, which just happens to be a google sites simple address using a standard naming protocol.

You scan the QR code, your menu comes up, you first select your drink then a snack.

You bring up the google site URL as advertised. There you look for the renamed contact form.

Input your codes for the drink and snack, input your location ID code and a personal reference code you were given when you arrived.

A short while later a wait staff appears from your resort with your order. Seamless, efficient and very effective.

Using this method I’ve increased bar revenue over 29 percent with a reduction in staffing of 62 percent. Those staff have been redeployed to other aspect of the resort.

Documented customer satisfaction has gone up 22 percent, complaints have fallen, profitability has increased and before COVID-19 hit, employment went up, incredibly important in island resorts where there is so little other employment.

All due to a simple google site and a custom contact form.

Expand that to every division of the resort. Do you begin to understand how incredibly important this is to a business.

Now price this system based on number of rooms within the resort with a minimum start point and make it a monthly revenue residual payment.

Visit the resorts and upsell a local wifi self healing system for better coverage, but do so that you control the quality and type of equipment. Then rent that to the resort, also on a monthly residual income basis.

I’ve been doing this for years and I’ve got a huge number of these out there in resorts around the world.

This is just the simple version.

Why am I telling you this, hopefully to give some of you ideas, but also for you all to get an understanding that I design and build systems on an epic scale.

All these google sites are connected. Remember that when we get into the next part.

Since I’ve had a phenomenal week I’ve decided to whet your collective appetites with what is actually possible when you think about things and don’t fall prey to small ideas.

Next I’ll give you all an overview of my 24 google site system that I affectionately call my wolf pack methodology.

They are as effective as the German Wolf Packs we’re on Allied shipping when they were brought into service.

Actually frightening would be a better description.

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