Squidoo and Google

Published on: 13-May 05:42pm

"Understanding foundation principals on which the web was built is absolutely critical to adapt our current strategies effectively. 

 For example, Drive stacks are really no different than a Squidoo Lens (anyone who's been doing SEO pre-2010 knows exactly what I'm referring to)—it's a similar authority stacking concept, but we've traded Squidoo for Google. Obviously, Google has much more authority, but the concept of DA stacking still remains.

 Recently, I've been seeing a surge of things like "jump links" (AKA Fraggles), Twitter moment stacking, and meta information (yes, even within our own tool chest).

 My advice to everyone would be to take a step back and evaluate opportunities that used to work "back in the day." Yes, this can be a daunting task, but take those concepts and apply them to what we know is working today.

 The actors may have changed, but the plot has never budged."


 That's interesting Brian.

I got into online stuff through Howie Schwartz's Apprentice program years ago.  I got out after losing everything to Penguin 1.0.   

I had access to groups like this then, I would almost certainly have ridden the storm, prospered and not had years away from it.    

What surprises me now is how much of the stuff we were doing then is in vogue again.   

Every so often, I find myself thinking "hey, we used to do that back in 2009 / 10 (whenever). I remember building loads of Squidoo lenses, hub pages and the like back in the day.



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