Strategy From Kendrick - Poking on Pastebin

Published on: 13-May 04:36pm

@Mary, your post regarding @Alan's post inspired me to go look at Pastebin again (last time when Alan mentioned it, the Pro plan wasn't available).


Anyway, I poked around a bit and think I found a cool option to do what (I think) you"re trying to do.  


If not what you had in mind, it seems pretty cool nonetheless :)

I'll document what I just did and share it here when I get it put together.



So here's a simple Html page with an image hosted on S3:


The image is also hosted on S3, but I used Pastebin to create an embed of it.



When I first started playing with this, I didn't see the point because if you right-click on the image to get the image address, it just shows the final destination ( ), so I wondered, "what's the point of using Pastebin?"


But after poking around a bit, here's what I discovered...


If you go to the source code of that Html page, you'll see the iframe source, which is: 


when you click on that link, you'll see quite a bit more info! :)


You just need to dial in the height and width of the image into the iFrame so that you only get the image to show.  It seems like it could be a pretty cool little trick.







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