The Future Looks Intriguing

Published on: 13-May 02:43am

Boy after 2 solid days of wing foiling, I’m stuffed, burnt, but oh so happy. 


Anyway, since I’ve been using playlists, I’ve also been testing something my twisted mind thought up. 


You see in every video description I was sending people to a landing page, on my IFunnels account. 


Doing this obviously was the correct thing to do BUT, and it’s a big BUT, when I’m finished I’ll probably have at least five thousand videos on YouTube, maybe more, those placed on hundreds of channels. 


All that power going UNUSED to various IFunnels accounts. 


So what if I redesigned a few things. 


Let each video description link go to a google site where I’ve my special video placed. BUT now I can add a link into the google site back to the next video. But which video. 


Herein lay a quandary. Which video should I link to. Should it be a playlist. Then from that video or playlist, ( whichever it turned out to be ), then back to another google site, which also is linked to by another video. 


Now another quandary. On which gmail account must these google sites be built. Can I cascade the sites, using the gmail, then cascade the gmails themselves. 


Now another quandary. What about those end cards, it’s pretty straight forward on my playlists setup, BUT how to add to that cascading design. 


Now an even bigger quandary. What if I built a few hundred at a time, cascading the videos, playlists and channels, but within that also cascading the gmail accounts. 


With the above, what would happen if I built the system with everything set to private. Then designed a cascading start to switch videos, playlists etc to public in a specific order to aid total ranking domination. 


I’m happy to tell you that this is currently under test at the moment. I’ve started small, it’s been a pain as it’s my intention to reuse all these videos BUT I’m slowly building and testing. 


The above design is for my question and answers videos and my news videos. They feed my main niche. 


Exciting stuff in progress. So far so good, actually very good. 


Now added to that, imagine posting an emoji in a certain format, that contains a URL. Just imagine commenting on others videos and adding such an innocent little emoji. 

Think of the possibilities. 


I’ll let you all ponder the above. 


Exciting times indeed. We have crossed a multi faceted threshold with YouTube. 


I’ll keep you informed. 


Now off to a nice evening chilling with my new friends. Cheers. 


There is a chance I may stay here a few more weeks. 


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