Tips From Marcos Romero - Amazon VPS or Amazon Workspace

Published on: 13-May 05:14pm

Don't know if you guys have ever noticed this hidden in the AWS menu or not. I was looking to get a cheap VPS to run some scripts that take a long time. I just have the free tier on AWS (it's amazing what they'll give you for free).


Do a search for Amazon Workspaces. You can provision a 2 core, 4GB Memory, 50gb HDD space machine, and the cost.... absolutely free. You don"t use Remote Desktop to get in, Amazon has some custom software that pretty much does the same thing. I've been using it for the last three days and it works a charm.


You can install pretty much anything you want there, I installed a dozen tools I use and it works no problem. Enjoy and you"re welcome to buy Uncle Marcos a beer when next we meet


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