Why Do Setting Goals Works!

Published on: 13-May 03:46am

Have you ever had the experience of looking for a new car, deciding on a certain type and colour, and magically you start to notice that car all over the place. 


This is exactly what I say to people who say goals are pointless. 


What actually happens in the above example is why goal setting works. 


The Reticular Activating System (RAS).




The process begins with written goals that are specific, an intense focus…and powered by a sustained commitment.


You’re well aware of the fact that written goals are catalysts…transforming agents for success and achievement.


And, you also know that when you focus intensely on something you really want — you usually will get it.


But have you ever taken the time to ask these three why, what and how questions:


*  Why does goal setting and focus work?

*  What role does my mind play in the goal achievement process?

*  How can I tap into this process on demand to not only achieve, but to fast track any goal I desire?


Understanding the RAS


The RAS is the attention center in the brain. By understanding and taking advantage of how your brain works, you can:


*  Accelerate the goal achievement process.

*  Dramatically improve your performance.

*  Unlock your creative capacities.

*  Empower all five senses.

*  Boost recognition of opportunities.

*  Manifest uncommon levels of success.

The RAS is a uniquely complex collection of neurons. It’s the part of your brain where all outside stimulants (such as everything we see, hear, touch, smell, taste) converges with all our internal thoughts and feelings.


It provides the neural connections that are needed for the processing and learning of information, along with the ability to focus on a goal and its associated activities.


In plain language…the RAS is best viewed as the master switch you must flip in order to “turn on your brain”.


Remember the new car, it’s always been there, but because you did not activate your RAS through proper goal setting and focus you never paid much attention to it.


As a result, your lack of goal clarity and inability to focus causes you to under-utilize your talents and miss out on so many wonderful opportunities.


The obvious question is…


How much of the world are we not seeing because our RAS has not been instructed to see it?


How much of the abundance of this universe are we walking by every day because our brain has been filled with mundane or even limiting ideas and pictures?


Once you write down a goal, your brain will be working overtime to see that you get it.


 It will alert you to the signs and signals that were there all along, but which you never noticed before.


To solve a problem or achieve an important goal…you must keep it at the top of your mind.


That means thinking about it, talking about it, writing about it, dreaming about it, and imagining it as completed.


Never ever underestimate the monumental power of goal setting. 


It’s the beginning of 2021. 


Who will you become this year? Ask yourself that......

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